Asking and Telling.

Yesterday, the Senate voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.  This long-awaited decision signals a victory to many LGBT people, ending a discriminatory practice that has silenced soldiers, ended careers, and perpetuated homophobia.  Of course, as some LGBT activists both celebrate the end of DADT, it’s important to remember that the repeal is not a …

Go Magazine’s Review of ’348′

Go Magazine just put up a great review of ‘348.’  In the words of reviewer Stephanie Schroeder, “348 is completely mesmerizing, enlightening and frightening all at once.” Check out the full review here.

348 is THIS WEEK!

I’ve been going crazy (pun intended?) developing, rehearsing, producing and promoting 348, and the day of the performance is almost here!  I hope that you’re as excited as I am!!! I will be performing for ONE NIGHT ONLY this Thursday, November 18th, at 9:30pm at Dixon Place (161A Chrystie Street, New York, NY 10002).  Tickets …

348 – Second (workshop) Performance, May 13th!

This isn’t ‘Tranny, Interrupted’.

When Kestryl Cael was 15 years old, his parents told him they were taking him on vacation. The plane landed in Provo, Utah, and Cael landed in a lock-down ‘therapeutic boarding school.’

‘348′ is a searing examination of the troubled teen industry, forced institutionalization, and madness in America. Cael’s misadventures in the psychiatric industry combine with statistics, stories and stigma for revelations on power, pain, and isolation.

You’d be crazy not to come.


Date: Thursday, May 13th
Time: 8pm
Location: WOW Cafe Theatre, 59-61 East 4th Street, 4th Floor
Tickets: $10, available at the door or online at

First Workshop of ‘348’!

The first-ever workshop performance of 348 is rapidly approaching! Click here for the Facebook event page, or just see below for details! When Kestryl Cael was 15 years old, his parents told him they were taking him on vacation. The plane landed in Provo, Utah, and Cael landed in a lock-down ‘therapeutic boarding school.’ ‘348’ …

Jan. 8th-31st! Month-long run for XY(T) at WOW Cafe Theatre!!!!!!!!

 SO. You missed XY(T) at FRIGID last February and at FringeNYC last August. Do not despair, you have 12 more chances to catch the show!!! XY(T) will be running January 8-31, Thurs-Sat at 8pm at WOW Cafe Theatre in the East Village. The show is on a shared bill with “Waiting for the Show,” a …

XY(T) in Bitch Magazine!

The newest issue of Bitch (the ‘Loud’ issue) has a brief article about XY(T)! Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be up online yet, but I’ll try to scan it in the next few days. Until then… go to your local bookstore and pick up a copy to check it out for yourself!

XY(T) previews in the press!

XY(T) opens tomorrow at the Player’s Loft (115 MacDougal, NYC), and it’s already getting attention in the press! Check out previews and interviews in the following publications: Time Out New York: Gay City News: This is great coverage, and the show hasn’t even opened yet!